Giftaplegia is a seasonal condition wherein an individual is rendered incapable of choosing a gift for fear that the recipient will be disappointed.
This results in hastily picking something out at the eleventh hour that will almost certainly disappoint said recipient.
Do not call your doctor if you are suffering from giftaplegia.
Instead, swing by The Frye Company’s Soho outpost on 12/17 for an exclusive in-store event that is virtually guaranteed to keep you in the clear.
The reason is simple: free, custom embossing on any leather product you purchase. Check out your options in Frye’s superior Holiday Gift Guide.
Look, no one on your list is going to complain about a pair of exquisite boots or a sumptuous leather-and-canvas duffel. But when you stick a custom monogram on there with their name, initials or — hell, you probably know millennials — a random sequence of emojis, they’ll jump right over the yuletide moon.
To review: the event is going down at Frye’s Soho store at 113 Spring St. on Sunday, December 17th from 1-7 P.M.
If your giftaplegia has already lasted longer than six hours, please make an appearance. We’ll see you there.
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