Mix Master

August 1, 2014 9:00 am EDT

This city is chockablock with tour guides.

But only of them is a cocktail scientist who’s created space drinks for NASA.

And crafted perfumes for Tom Ford. And made the cocktail menu for the Oscars.

His name is Alex Ott, and he’s now offering “cocktail safaris” beginning in his private libation lab and then ranging to hidden watering holes around the city.

Previously, Ott has squired the likes of Susan Sarandon, Demi Moore and Blake Lively on his tours.

He has a knack for crafting off-the-wall highballs that won’t leave you hungover in the morning.

No bullshit. We drank them.

Here’s how the safari goes: email Ott and he’ll direct you to a nondescript apartment building near Times Square, then buzz you up and greet you with your first cocktail of the evening.

Inside: a lab full of tinctures (ask about the one made from 20,000 strawberries), bottles and a space suit.

Ott then whisks you around the city to underground geisha clubs and off-the-radar jazz societies. “These places are not registered,” he says. “You have to know someone.”

That someone is Ott.

So shoot him an email, and tell him you know us.

Space is extremely limited, so get to steppin’.

Nota bene: Want to learn more about Ott’s boozy science? Check out his book.



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