Silver Ch’yeah

By The Editors
March 11, 2014 9:00 am EDT

After all those lateral pulls and Bachelor reruns on the elliptical (don’t deny), a man’s workout shirt smells like it’s been dipped, Labyrinth-like, into the Gym Bag of Eternal Stench.

Making sure you always smell so fresh and so clean: Silver Air by Y Athletics.

Invented by a group of brawny Silicon Beach chums who were inspired by astronaut gear, Silver Air is built from pure silver (yes, like jewelry) weaved into an elastic, baby-tush soft blend of polyfibers.

We tested this shirt in the sweatiest place in L.A.: Modo Yoga, where the limber-limbed Brahmins stretch through 40 poses an hour at 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

We didn’t wash the shirt for three days, which — in this image-conscious town — made us more nervous than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

But the Silver Air dried fast. It remained funk-free.  

And it’s svelte enough to wear while doing those weekend errands.

Like picking up the laundry.   

Nota bene: Y Athletics is offering a 20% promotion this week, and for a limited time, InsideHook readers will get 10% off the top of that by applying this code at check out: INHK14. Get one now.


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