A Drone That Drops Paint Bombs? Now We’re Talking.

It appears we've reached peak drone

By The Editors
September 30, 2016 9:00 am EDT

If Jackson Pollock had one of these babies in his closet when Robert Coates called his work “mere unorganized explosions of random energy, and therefore meaningless,” the critic might have become the artist’s next canvas.

Designed by German aerial photography team Cooper Copter and unveiled at the Reeperbahn Festival, the Pollockcopter is a quadcopter that can drop paint-filled balloons on its targets. Although the drone isn’t especially accurate and has to be refilled after every run, it’s capable of deploying its polychrome payloads at speeds of up to 25 MPH.

Just remember: Drones don’t drop paint on people, people drop paint on people.


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