New Hemingway Box Set Looks Manly, Reads Manlier

Tear-proof, water-resistant jackets. Because adventure.

By The Editors
January 19, 2016 9:00 am EST

Acclaimed writer, amateur boxer, World War I enlistee, Pulitzer and Nobel Prize winner, war reporter, hunter, skier, angler and beard enthusiast Ernest Hemingway was at once the greatest paragon and parody of masculinity of the 20th century.

Honoring that legacy: The Signature Set, a collection of nine of Papa’s most celebrated volumes with his iconic Hancock scrawled across their dark green-jacketed spines. The brand new 20-pound set comes from Hemingway’s longtime publisher, Charles Scribner’s Sons, and features custom jackets by Juniper Books that are tear- and water-resistant to ensure you’ll pass them down to your grandson some day.

Included in the $395 set: Scribner Classics editions of Across the River and Into the Trees, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Green Hills of Africa, Islands in the Stream, The Sun Also Rises, Death in the Afternoon, Selected Letters 1917-1961 and The Short Stories.

There’s also a nearly identical Hemingway Elephant set on sale for $315, and both sets come with free shipping. That should leave you with enough spending money to pick up the ingredients for a few Death in the Afternoons. Drink slowly.


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