Nota bene: All products in this article are independently selected and vetted by InsideHook editors. If you buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission.
Eddie Bauer is making it easy for us last-minute shoppers. The brand has extended its online sale, where you can shop gifts for him and her, cold-weather accessories and hardwearing outdoor gear all for under $25.
You’ll find great deals on Eddie Bauer’s best-selling classic flannel, thermal-knit, sherpa-lined henleys and cozy fleece pants, plus discounts on cute beanies for her, stainless-steel travel mugs, camp blankets and more.
Order by the 18th for guaranteed delivery by the 24th, and if you spend $75 or more that standard shipping is free.
We've put in the work researching, reviewing and rounding up all the shirts, jackets, shoes and accessories you'll need this season, whether it's for yourself or for gifting purposes. Sign up here for weekly style inspo direct to your inbox.