Italy is a country divided by one of the most controversial, incendiary issues of our time: vegans.
While some Italian government members want to create vegetarian-friendly safe havens for those who’ve forsaken animal flesh, others want to jail vegans for corrupting the country’s youth. Then there’s Italian chef Gianfranco Vissani’s suggestion for dealing with vegans: “Kill them all.”
Vissani, who often appears on Italian television and has authored a number of books, detailed his one-point plan for vegans during an appearance on the talk show In Onda.
“Vegans are like the members of a sect. They’re like Jehovah’s Witnesses,” Vissani said. “And I mean vegans, not vegetarians. What would I do with the vegans? I would kill them all.”
Other chefs on the show dismissed their colleague’s comments, but Vissani didn’t back down.
“I think the vegan diet is wrong and creates many problems at the physical level,” Vissani said in a follow-up interview. “My anger lashes out towards the extremists, such as those who impose their choice to their children. I find it dangerous and in the news often, unfortunately.”
He then re-tweeted a photo of himself summing up his feelings on the hot-button issue.
La mia intervista a #gianfrancovissani @LucaVissani pubblicata da @lucianpignataro. @ele_cozzella @oloapmarchi
— LSDM Barbara Guerra (@lsdm_barbara) August 22, 2016
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