Our editors spend a not-insignificant amount of time each week scouring the internet for the best deals and goods your money can buy. Herein: 30 choice picks for stuffing your stockings this holiday season, all reasonably priced and available now. This is 30 Under $30.
Outdoor Gear
Douk-Douk Folding Knife
Superior craftsmanship, affordable price and a history of blood. | $29
Portable BioLite SunLight
A dimmable lantern that runs up to 50 hours and charges via the sun (or micro USB). | $20
Black Diamond Headlamp
One of the outdoor industry’s most trusted headlamps. Unbeatable price. | $30
Gerber Dime Multitool
Stainless steel. 10 tools. Fits in your pocket (or, y’know, a stocking). | $20
Matador Pocket Blanket 2.0
A packable blanket that’s all about convenience. | $30
Word. Notebooks Adventure Log
A notebook made for all manner of adventure and sojourn. | $13
Fashion Climbing: A Memoir
The secret memoir left behind by late style-photography icon Bill Cunningham. | $16
Everlane Merino Wool Scarf
Wool in charcoal and bone stripes, discounted from $55. | $22
Magpul DAKA Everyday Wallet
Made in the U.S. and resistant to water, dirt, fire, chemicals and more. | $25
Woodlore Shoe Trees
Aromatic cedar to keep your nice shoes nice. | $25
“Tie One On” Tie Clip
Understated, strong and poised to snag some compliments. | $18
Kennedy Lux Athletic Socks
Inspired by a photo of JFK on a yacht watching the America’s Cup. Really. | $20
Grooming & Home Goods
Juniper Ridge Campfire Incense
Made with ginger cedar, redwood bark and more. Also: requires no wood-chopping. | $12
Pendleton National Park Wash Cloth
Bath cloths that pay tribute to “America’s Best Idea.” | $15
Nordic A-Frame Cabin Candle
Smells like whiskey, spicy citrus, bay laurel and … disconnected wifi? | $28
American Crew Travel Grooming Kit
Two hair products, shave cream and 3-in-1 shower wash. Perfect for the gym, too. | $20
Harry’s Fig Body Wash
A favorite scent around the InsideHook offices, from the new Harry’s line. | $7
Marvis Toothbrush
Sleek acrylic handle. Those chompers don’t stand a chance. | $6
Food & Drink
Hario Ceramic Coffee Dripper
A pour-over dripper designed for better brewing. | $21
W&P Design Ice Sphere Molds
Whipping up holiday cocktails? Don’t forget the ice globes. | $14
Izola Flask
A stainless steel flask with canvas carry. All class. | $25
Barebones 10″ Cast Iron Skillet
Durable cast-iron built for the backcountry. Might need a bigger stocking. | $27
Joseph Joseph Chop2Pot Cutting Board
This colorful cutting board folds into a helpful chute. | $13
Lavatools Instant Read Thermometer
Reports on meat temps in 3-4 seconds. Get cooking. | $27
Gadgets & Pop Culture
Bang! The Dice Game
Friends or family coming over later? This game will entertain anyone. | $15
Anker Astro E1 Portable Charger
The perfect travel workhorse. This guy will charge everything. | $24
ThorKey Compact Key Holder
A lock-ring that refuses to let you lose your keys. | $30
Frank Lloyd Wright Playing Cards
That’s one fine Prairie House of cards. Includes two decks. | $10
This is Ground Leather Cord Taco
So long, cord tangles. This taco’s meant for more than just Tuesdays. | $16
Google Home Mini
A tiny, mighty assistant eager to help with … everything. | $29
Still haven’t found anything quite right? Check out our holiday edition of 30 bottles of booze under $30 and this week’s stocking-stuffer themed Staff Picks.
Updated Dec. 7, 2018; originally published Nov. 29, 2017
Nota bene: If you buy through these links, InsideHook may earn a small share of the profits on some items. Prices and availability may change at the whim of the retailers.
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