Diners Club

October 23, 2013 9:00 am EDT

Whether it’s The Racquet Club or an ‘80s windbreaker, everything’s better when it’s members only.

Bringing that access to dining: Dinner Lab, the nomadic supper club that meets in off-the-grid locations, now taking members for its first ever Chicago dinner with Alinea alum Francisco ‘Paco’ Robert.

Long story short, Dinner Lab is gourmet, communal table dining in unexpected locales.

Previous venues (held everywhere from New Orleans to New York), have included grain mills, vacant movie theaters and deconsecrated churches — replete with Cuban roast pig served on the altar.

Always makeshift, often candlelit, never boring.

Simply sign up and you’ll get one of the very limited memberships reserved for InsideHook readers, which include exclusive access (and a +1) to over 80 dinners throughout the year. 

The exact location of the dinners will only be released the night before each event.

As for the menu, we have it on good authority that Chef Robert – who honed his Michelin chops in Spain before working alongside Grant Achatz – will be cooking up a Puerto Rican feast.

In other words: this is gonna be good.



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