Well, there’s one chart Drake can’t top.
A new study by the financial site Money.co.uk suggests that the multi-platinum hip-hop artist offers the worst value when it comes to celebrity-owned booze. The report, The Best Value Celebrity-Owned Alcohol, analyzed the average cost of 70 wines and liquors owned by famous people and compared that price with their star ratings on the critic websites Vivino (for wine) and Distiller (for liquor). Each price point and star rating was given their own indexable score out of 100 in order to rank them from best to worst.
Results? Cheers, Idris Elba. And sorry, Drake.
Some findings:
- Porte Noire Rosé, by Idris Elba, is the best value for a celebrity-owned wine on the market, scoring an 85 out of 100. The average cost is $38 a bottle and it scored a 4.4 out of 5 stars for taste.
- The top spirit was a bit of a surprise: Jason Derulo’s Bedlam Vodka (distilled from long-grain white rice), which costs about $22 and has a Distiller score of 4.5/5, giving it an overall score of 87.5/100. Vodka actually took the top three spots for spirits, with Kate Hudson’s King St. Vodka in second and Channing Tatum’s Born and Bred Potato Vodka in third.
- On the tail end? Drake’s Virginia Black American Whiskey, which only scored a 50/100 — and still made us wonder why the Toronto-born artist didn’t release a Canadian whisky instead (guess it wasn’t “God’s plan,” which concludes the Drake references this author can successfully make).
- Could have been worse: 50 Cent’s Le Chemin du Roi Brut scored just a 40/100 and had the lowest score overall of any wine or spirit.
Caveat here: Ten To One rum, for example, is considered Ciara’s brand on this report, but it existed before the singer bought into the company (ditto with Bruno Mars and Selva Rey rum and Ryan Reynolds with Aviation Gin, among several others).
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