Since not long after the pandemic began, there’s been plenty of coverage of people with the means to do so relocating to new parts of the country. For some, this has been a testament to the appeal of working remotely; for others, it’s a means to get more living space at a relative bargain. A study earlier this year noted that Idaho was seeing a substantial influx of new residents; there’s also the phenomenon of cities and states using incentives to convince people to relocate there and work from home.
Now, a new study from Coldwell Banker offers more details on where the affluent have been moving during the pandemic. A report at Business Insider spotlights a number of insights from the study, focusing in on 6 distinct locations out of a larger group of 19.
Of those locations, half were considered “new discoveries” and half were tagged as “ready for discovery.” What does the latter mean? According to the article, for all 3 locales, “the number of homes sold each month has increased significantly since the start of the pandemic, but prices have remained accessible for the well-heeled, in the $500,000 to $800,000 range.”
The trio of “new discoveries” includes names familiar to some readers who have been following these trends, including Coeur d’Alene, Idaho; Burlington, Vermont and Reno, Nevada. San Antonio, Knoxville and Hamilton County, Indiana were all deemed “ready for discovery.” All 6 of the regions abound with impressive vistas and amenities; it isn’t hard to see why all of them have found eager buyers during this moment in time.
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