The TSA Will Sell You Some Knives Now

All those confiscated items? They're going to auction.

September 6, 2017 9:00 am

For me, it was a Gerber pocketknife a boyfriend gifted me for my 25th birthday.

What have you had confiscated by the TSA?

What little something did you forget to empty from your pockets before rushing to the airport, only to feel it just as you approach the guard? A tragedy if there ever was one. 

However, some merciful blade-wielding entity has blessed us this day, with the announcement that the TSA will be auctioning off some of the “dangerous items” they have collected in recent years — in 2015, it totaled around 22,000 (my Gerber’s gotta be there somewhere). A sampling of the goods can be seen on their surprisingly poppin’ Instagram, but if you want to get serious about claiming some impounded tools, knives and … uh, is that a battle axe? … then you’ll have your chance for that, too.

The details:, a “liquidity services marketplace,” is an auction hub for seized civilian goods and other red-tape items (need a forklift?  Asphalt equipment? Fine art? Look here). 

Here’s where to bid on the choicest of confiscated goods at prices that even beat eBay. We’re eyeing this Kershaw 1660 Leek (bidding’s in the mid $20s as of press time) and this Benchmade 940-Osborne, which retails at close to $200 but the bidding is at $128.

H/t Gear Patrol

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