After Donald Trump announced on Twitter that he had selected Indiana Governor Mike Pence as as his vice presidential running mate this morning, an image of the duo’s official logo soon followed.
JUST IN: New Trump-Pence logo mocked on social media for being “suggestive”
— The Hill (@thehill) July 15, 2016
The logo, which is made up of a blue T inserted into a blue P adjacent a set of four red stripes, quickly inspried jokes about toilet paper as well as penetration, and also had some questioning whether Trump had ripped off the design (and it’s not hard to see why).
@Olivianuzzi On Left, Think Progress logo, on right Trump-Pence logo
— Trailduster6bt (@trailduster6bt) July 15, 2016
While we could speculate about whether the new logo will help the Trump/Pence ticket ply voter favor and wipe out the Clinton campaign entirely, looks like the fine folks of Twitter have beaten us to it.
Release the hounds.
“What does the Trump/Pence logo look like?”
— Pokémanu (@ManuclearBomb) July 15, 2016
idk i kinda like the new logo
— Hudson Hongo (@hudsonhongo) July 15, 2016
— Bobby Solomon (@thefoxisblack) July 15, 2016
Still not sure if the #TrumpPence logo is too risque for the #RealAmerica
— Donnacha Kenny (@TheRealDonnacha) July 15, 2016
At least the #TrumpPence logo is not doing any pulling out.
— Jared Beverly (@jaredbeverly) July 15, 2016
In about 9 months from today, the #TrumpPence logo will welcome a baby logo
— Brian (@Principat0) July 15, 2016
Husband looks over my shoulder, sees Trump/Pence logo. Him: “That’s not real, is it?” Me: “Yup!” Him: “It’s cute Trump thinks he’s a top.”
— Adam B. Vary (@adambvary) July 15, 2016
it’s like toilet paper. get it
— matt: lubchansky (@Lubchansky) July 15, 2016
That #TrumpPence logo though
— Declan Cashin (@Tweet_Dec) July 15, 2016
#TrumpPence logo pitch meeting
— Jared A. Olguin (@RhymesWithBeans) July 15, 2016
Is the Trump-Pence logo
— Bobby Big Wheel (@BobbyBigWheel) July 15, 2016
The Trump/Pence logo is the worst thing since the Arlington Pediatric Center logo. #TrumpPence
— Ian McKelvey (@mckelvey_ian) July 15, 2016
Dr. Sigmund Freud might be able to fill us in about the Trump/Pence logo design#JustAThought
— Mëdiöcrë Pässës (@VikingsHalfie) July 15, 2016
#TrumpPence logo is really weird!! Its like 1 of those Disney subliminal messages meant to turn kids into perverts.
— Moska Justine (@moskaezul) July 15, 2016
Trump/Pence Logo is trending on Twitter –
— Puesto Loco (@PuestoLoco) July 15, 2016
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