Congratulations are in order to Sofia Vergara, who has won the right to do as she chooses with her embryos, including not bringing them to term so they can one day inherit a trust fund from her ex, Nick Loeb, which is apparently a thing he wanted to happen.
Clearly there’s a lot to unpack here, so let’s go ahead and jump in. For those who were not aware, the actress has been embroiled in a bizarre legal battle with ex-fiancé Nick Loeb for years now over the fate of two frozen embryos the couple produced via IVF during their engagement. The pair got together in 2010 and underwent IVF in 2013, yielding the embryos in question. The couple split the following year, which, in most circumstances, would probably signal the undisputed end to any plans involving those embryos reaching maturity. If you happen to be a wealthy businessman with an endowment to bestow upon your unborn children and an ax to grind with your celebrity ex, however, the story doesn’t have to end there!
In 2016, Loeb filed a lawsuit on behalf of the embryos, named “Emma and Isabella” in the suit, claiming they had been robbed of their rightful inheritance by not being born. That inheritance included a trust fund Loeb had set up in the embryos’ name, which he hoped to one day bestow upon his cherished future offspring after bringing them to term without Vergara.
This, unsurprisingly, was not a dream Vergara shared with her ex. Fortunately, a Los Angeles Superior Court judge granted the actress a permanent injunction on Tuesday, banning Loeb from bringing the embryos to term without Vergara’s consent, Page Six reported. The judge also found that Loeb’s embryo trust fund represented a breach of contract between the former couple, because I guess if you’re rich enough you can have a contract for just about everything.
So it seems like the whole ordeal ultimately worked out for everyone involved. Sofia Vergara doesn’t have to allow her genetic material to be used in the making of children she doesn’t want to have, two actual humans don’t have to be brought into the world and saddled with the relentless burden of life on earth for the sole purpose of receiving spite money from their father — a man who recently directed an anti-choice film starring Jon Voight — and Loeb can now put that money toward a trust for the actual, living daughter he has with his new girlfriend. Congratulations to all.
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