No matter what you think of President John F. Kennedy, I think we can all agree the man had a cool boat.
The late president’s own personal Rosebud, the Victura is a 25-foot vessel that today sits on a pedestal at the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation. According to the library’s website, the Wianno Senior sailboat is one of only “200 Wianno Seniors ever built.” JFK purchased it at 15, naming it Victura, Latin for “she who is about to conquer.”
And while he struggled with Latin as student, he didn’t struggle with hi ropes and jibs, and he spent many hours on the Victura, even courting a young Jackie Onassis there. Old boats require around 125 hours of maintenance annually, so on the occasion of JFK’s 100th birthday, the Museum is raising money a la Go Fund Me to sand, refinish and varnish his prized ship.
Yes, the Kennedys need a handout.
We’ve officially heard it all.
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