This story is an exclusive sneak peek of Wondercade, the new newsletter from Neil Patrick Harris produced in partnership with InsideHook Studios. You can sign up — for free — to receive it right here.
I’m tired. But in that exhausted-but-exhilarated sense. So it’s a good tired. Accomplished. Happy. Fulfilled. Excited.
Why, you ask? Because I’m back on Broadway, baby!
It’s been 8 years since I put on some makeup for my (humble brag) Tony Award-winning run in Hedwig, and I’ve spent the past couple of weeks in rehearsals for a limited-run, Encores! concert version of Stephen Sondheim’s masterpiece Into the Woods. It feels UH-MAY-ZING to be back. It feels like coming home. (Albeit without the kids, David, the dogs…the mortgage…the dishes…Okay, fine, it’s nothing like home.)
But just as the theatre calls, Wondercade beckons. We may be curtains up on the show in just a few hours — that’s right, tonight is opening night! — but when you signed up for this email, I promised you delivery each and every Wednesday. So an email you shall get! (Technically, you got it already. You’re reading it now.) And it’s a special one: a sneak peek at Into the Woods via a bunch of exclusive and awesome photos shot by yours truly. You’ve got me, my brilliant co-star Sara Bareilles and Milky White, a puppet cow.
Please hold all applause ‘til the end of the show. Because there’s more. Our resident literary lion, The Bookstorian, is back, sharing a list of must-reads that only they could’ve devised. And in Last Call, we leave you with a word game that I’m quite proud of.
I’m off to wardrobe and makeup. See you next week.
[House lights dim, and the curtain rises…]

Thanks for taking our special theatrical tour today. It was a pleasure having you, and we hope you enjoyed yourself. If you did — and how couldn’t you?! — please do tell your friends about us. We’re here each and every week, in your email inbox. -NPH
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