Shame of Thrones

By The Editors
April 4, 2014 9:00 am EDT

It’s a cutthroat world, Westeros.

Power grabbing. Money grubbing. Backstabbing. Front stabbing.

Who knew Game of Thrones was so … corporate.

And so, as the show returns to HBO for a fourth season of swordplay and bared breasts, we thought it seemed like the right time to compare the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms to the great office cultures of America.

In other words: Which Game of Thrones House Is Your Company?


Take a look around your place of business. Frivolous expenditures? People sleeping their way to the top? Some power-hungry ladder climber shouting “Where are my dragons?!?!”

Peruse. Ponder. Do a little comparative analysis. Perhaps your conclusion just might help you navigate your own cutthroat world.

But remember: if you can’t figure out who the imp in your office is …


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