There’s Something Ominous About Watching a Robot Do Backflips

Aaaaaaand we're dead

November 17, 2017 9:00 am EST

The point of robots is to save humans from having to perform tasks that are simple, mundane, repetitive or all three.

Or so we thought.

Ripping off sets of standing backflips doesn’t really fit into any of those categories — but Boston Dynamics built a robot that can do ‘em anyway.

The Massachusetts-based tech firm — which also recently disrupted our sleep schedules with the unveiling of a four-legged robotic hound from hell — has apparently spent time and money infusing their two-legged Atlas model with the ability to do backflips.

While there hasn’t been any official comment as to why they decided to give Atlas the abilities of a gymnast, we’re guessing it’s at least partially a means of showing off that the model is now no longer in danger of tumbling off stages.

Either way, you’ve gotta admit it’s low-key terrifying knowing robots can be programmed to do backflips.

It begs the question: What’s next?

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