A cadre of brilliant minds behind the popular mobile game Angry Birds is aiming to raise the next generation of geniuses—with more video games.
Big Bang Legends tries to teach physics to toddlers. Children choose a scientific element as their character before navigating mazes and puzzles where they destroy anti-matter and pick up quarks, building blocks for protons, along the way. As the game progresses, kids earn more elements to play—and expanding their knowledge of particle physics in the process.
It’s a concept called “stealth learning,” Mashable reports. Big Bang Legends offers additional paid content from Oxford professors and CERN scientists, too.
The company has an impressive roster behind the game, with alumni from Sega, CERN, and Rovio—the company behind Angry Birds.
“Five years ago we’d joke that one day we’ll teach quantum physics to five-year-olds,” Lightneer CEO Lauri Järvilehto said. “Now we’re seeing five-year-olds playing Big Bang Legends and having conversations about quarks, protons, and atoms. It’s pretty amazing.”
Currently available in Singapore and Finland, the game is scheduled for U.S. release in May.
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