In 1971, a well-dressed man hijacked a Seattle-bound flight and then jumped out of the plane with a ransom totaling $200,000. It became one of the most mysterious unsolved crimes ever committed, and the mystery of D.B. Cooper, as the suspect came to be known, spawned books, films and numerous TV shows. Now an Army veteran thinks he cracked the case.
Rick Sherwood is a retired Indiana construction worker and Army veteran who specialized in code breaking.
“I never in my wildest dreams would have ever thought that I would ever use Morse Code, or any kind of code breaking or anything again,” said Rick Sherwood, who served three tours in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Tom Colbert, a California-based TV producer who has been investigating the D.B. Cooper case, asked Sherwood for help because Colbert suspected D.B. Cooper was a California man who served in the Army with Sherwood. The Army code-breaker thinks that he has connected Cooper to that man through letters and other materials.
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