More drama has been reported from the long-running divorce case of one-time Hollywood power couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. New court documents filed by Jolie allege that Pitt hasn’t paid any “meaningful” child support for a year and half during their ongoing and contentious divorce, reports NBC News. Jolie plans to seek a court order to force his hand.
“[Pitt] has a duty to pay child support. As of present, [Pitt] has paid no meaningful child support since separation,” Jolie’s attorney, Samantha Bley DeJean, wrote in a two-page brief filed in Los Angeles Superior Court and obtained by NBC News.
Pitt did not respond to NBC News for comment, but a source close to the actor said that “Brad has fulfilled his commitments.”
Under California law, each parent is responsible for providing for the children based upon whatever agreement the couple reached. It is unclear if Jolie and Pitt reached an agreement, or what it was. Jolie filed for divorce from Pitt in September 2016, citing irreconcilable differences as the reason for the split. The couple has six children, ranging in ages 9 to 16.
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