Tell a Damn Good Story

By The Editors
March 6, 2012 9:00 am EST

Everybody’s got a good story. Nobody wants to be the guy who tells it terribly.

Helping you tell every tale like a skilled raconteur: James Braly, an award-winning storytelling coach, now accepting clients for private tutorials.

The first man to win the Moth GrandSlam national storytelling competition twice, Braly has written speeches for the presidents of IBM and Calvin Klein, coached Princeton professors on tricky lectures, and helped nervous wedding attendees nail the dreaded best man speech.

His three- to four-hour private workshops focus on turning your anecdotes into stories that keep personal and professional audiences riveted.

Braly will help you craft a gripping opener, reveal the key personal details to engage the listener through the meat of the story, and build to what he calls the “emotional climax” — the oft-overlooked crux of the tale that gives it maximum impact, whether that means making the dinner table laugh or convincing colleagues on a bold course of action.

Classes can be held in your home, office, or Braly’s office near Columbus Circle. Either way, you’ll leave with not only a better yarn than you had before, but also the skills to hold court on any occasion — from the boardroom to the barroom.


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