This week’s episode of Saturday Night Live was hosted by former cast member Will Forte. During his time on the show, Forte created a number of recurring characters who embodied his penchant for bizarre comedy. And this week, Forte was joined by fellow SNL alum (and his MacGruber costar) Kristen Wiig to play a storied country music duo, showing off their new theme for NFL, among other songs.
Forte and Wiig have their own impeccable comic energy; adding Kenan Thompson into the mix raised the bar even further. Thompson played Jevner Keeblerelv, who guided listeners through a selection of new songs from Clancy T. Bachleratt and Jackie Snad, played by Forte and Wiig.
And yes, most of their songs seem to involve UFOs, toddlers, jars of beer and Model-T cars. But that’s part of the charm. It is, as Thompson describes it, “an important message sung importantly.” Also, there’s a new theme song for the National Football League in there.
Some of Forte’s work on Saturday Night Live taps into a decidedly bizarre sensibility that’s also deeply hilarious — the “Potato Chip” sketch might be the apex of that. But this isn’t far removed from it. On his own, Forte has a penchant for the surreal side of comedy. Throw the prodigiously talented Wiig and Thompson into the mix and you have something even more impressive.
It might be impossible to explain just why this particular sketch is so funny. All we can do is recommend that you watch it. It’s gloriously strange; it’s also utterly hilarious.
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