Six Essentials Every Man Needs This Season

The Spring Style Issue 2016

By The Editors
April 13, 2016 9:00 am EDT
Six Essentials Every Man Needs This Season

Spring hath sprung, oh pedigreed chums — and with it, our annual Spring Style Issue.

Herewith: your six must-have items of the season. We do recommend that you own more than six items of clothing, but these six in particular are paramount.

The polo that conjures the modish Mad Men ‘70s. The blazer that’ll help you beat the heat in high style. A tux unlike any you’ve ever seen before.

And because we’re firm believers in versatility, we’ve built two unique and distinct (and 100% shoppable, thanks to our friends at East Dane) looks for each. So if you see something that strikes your fancy, it can be yours with just a few clicks. Easy peasy.

And speaking of things that may strike your fancy, we also asked a couple of our favorite ladyfriends to swing through and test the, uh, aquatic efficacy of some of the gear.

Brave gals. They did it so you won’t have to.

Enjoy the issue, hopefully with a mojito in hand. You know, because spring.

See you out there,

Danny Agnew
Creative Director




Saying you hate going to the mall doesn’t mean you hate shopping. What you need, probably, is a proper one-stop men’s shop. You know: you walk in, try some things on, fill some bags, walk out. A process made even more efficient by East Dane, the online menswear destination that carries over 300 brands, drops new products every day and offers fast, free global shipping (including the two-day kind, if you’re an Amazon Prime member).


This year’s Spring Style Issue was shot at the newly-remodeled Los Angeles Athletic Club in downtown LA — and if you think the pool looks good, wait ‘til you get a look at the rest of the place. World-class spa, a suite of luxe boutique hotel rooms, and the jaw-dropping new Blue Room, arguably the most knockout space in which we’ve enjoyed a craft cocktail in a long damn time. If you’re ever in LA, we highly recommend a stay. If you live there, you’d do well to join ‘em.

Photographer (ladies): Ricky Lesser 
Photographer (gents): Rick Rose
Creative Director: Danny Agnew
Stylists: Mallyce MillerClaire Coppins

Paloma Mariella @palomamariella
Whitney Malchow @whit_m
Ary Katz @arykatz
John Sharp @johnnyfreebyrd