Get Rucky

By The Editors
December 13, 2013 9:00 am EST

Here’s to the weekend warrior in all of us.

Hard partyin’. Tough Mudderin’. YOLO-ing until the alarm sounds on Monday morning.

To keep that lifestyle pushing during the work week, if only in spirit, check out GORUCK’s new indestructible shoulder bags, available just now.

GORUCK, you may recall, organizes nationwide team-building challenges based on Navy SEAL training. (Says our executive editor, who spent 12 hours GORUCKing during a Manhattan blizzard: “Ow. Just a whole mess of ow.”)

The ‘RUCK guys have been making battle-tested rucksacks for a few years.

Same premise holds with their new shoulder bags.


“People were really serious about our bags,” says our GORUCK friend Jason (who cheerily mentions it’s currently “20 below” outside their Montana workshop). “They started asking if they could rep it at work … but it had to be more office-appropriate than a backpack.”

The new satchels are built from water-resistant, military-grade Cordura. Impervious to cold, heat and “scars” of any sort, with a backup lifetime guarantee.

Can withstand just about anything.

Even conference calls.


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