After the Larry Nassar scandal, the United States Olympic Committee is demanding that USA Gymnastics meet six conditions — or face decertification. And the biggest one is for the entire board to resign by the end of next week,
In a letter sent out to the USAG board, USOC CEO Scott Blackmun outline the demands for full institutional reform. “While the USOC encourages USAG to think and act broadly on reforming its culture, we also believe that reform must start with an entirely new board,” Blackmun wrote, according to NBC News. Other measures include requiring all staff and board members to complete SafeSport training offered by U.S. Center for Safe Sport within three months and comprehensive ethics training within six months. The USAG board has been given six days to resign, other the USOC will terminate its status at the sport’s governing body. Nassar faces up to 175 years in prison for sexually abusing more than 150 young women and girls, and over the course of his trial, victims criticized both USAG and the USOC for failing to protect athletes from the doctor’s abuse.
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