It’s unclear exactly what they will be, but NCAA president Mark Emmert said changes are coming to college basketball in light of the FBI’s ongoing corruption investigation.
What is clear is when those changes, or at least the recommendations about what they should be, will be delivered: April 25.
That’s the date the Commission on College Basketball, a group headed up by former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, will reveal their suggested changes to the Division I Board of Directors and Board of Governors.
In the past, the NCAA has moved at a glacial pace when implementing changes, but Emmert was adamant that won’t be the case this time.
“I recognize everybody says this is sort of typical behavior of big organizations, right? Something goes wrong, you form a commission and then nothing happens,” Emmert said. “I mean just to be blunt about it, you don’t waste Condoleezza Rice’s time if you’re not serious about it. Everybody that’s involved in college basketball right now recognizes this can’t continue the way it’s continuing.”
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