Virtual reality: It’s the future — of gaming, entertainment and education.
And … parenting?
So it turns out that parenting in virtual reality is slightly less terrifying than parenting in actual reality, which perhaps makes VR baby-lessons a good way to learn how to do things like feed it on a regular schedule, remember where it is, and keep it clean.
The “it” in question? Not your sweet little soul child, but … something else.
Stepping into this particular fray are the makers of the Real Baby-Real Family app, who’ve created a world in which babies bring unlimited tasks and essentially no joy. Tell us if this isn’t one of the creepiest gaming scenarios you can imagine, as told by Fast Company: “You hold the doll, and in VR it comes to life in your arms. The effect begins with the face, which is actually generated from a cross between you and your partner’s faces, de-aged to that of a newborn.”
As a parenting training tool, we give it a prospective six out of 10 stars. As de facto contraception, we give it a million.
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