Is This the iPhone of Cannabis Cultivation?

Jeff Sessions, look the other way

By The Editors
April 3, 2018 9:00 am

What you put into your body is your choice.

Which means that ideally, you should have full control of what you’re consuming — or inhaling.

Enter GroBox, a fully automated, caveman-easy appliance that helps urban dwellers cultivate healthy plants, vegetables or (in some states) cannabis at home.

New from Cloudponics, the GroBox looks like a wardrobe or wood-accented fridge from the outside. Inside, however, is a plant-growing system designed to be 100% automated and tracked via a smartphone app.

We went to a secret location to meet founders Nicolas Ruiz and Pepijn van der Krogt and inspect the box’s inner workings.

Originally started in Chile with a government grant, GroBox was supposed to be a way for apartment dwellers with tight spaces to grow their own (legal) greens. When a vast majority of the initial interest came from the cannabis community, however, the duo slightly pivoted.

You can still grow veggies in the GroBox, if you wish. But the Cloudponics unit, which is now on a recently-released version two, is really centered on automating recipes for dozens of different strains of cannabis, and cultivating them in a way that’s both specific and set-it-and-forget-it easy.

You monitor the growth cycles and stats (temperature, lighting, humidity, nutrient dosing and pH balance) from your phone, meaning you can leave on vacation and not worry about the plants (unless the power goes out). You also get to avoid all the dangers that attend growing outdoors: mold, pests, inclement weather, nosy neighbors.

It’s essentially pot growing for dummies. “Ninety percent of our customers are first-time growers,” agrees Ruiz.

Some things to know: You’ll be using 100-300w of power and adding about $20/month to your electricity bill. Each strain you grow will take about three months, and yield up to 12 oz. And you’ll need to sign a waiver: what you do with your plant-growing unit is up to you, and you accept all the responsibilities that come with that.

Other fun facts: the entire unit is made in the USA, and it’s legal enough that you can get it on Amazon.

Order now and you’ll get a fully-assembled unit in just a few weeks.


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