Live Space Invaders With Drones and Lasers, Anyone?

Ever wish you could climb inside a video game? Here ya go.

September 23, 2016 9:00 am EDT

Out of all the worthwhile uses people have found for drones thus far — cooking steak, delivering drinks on golf courses, walking dogs — this one has the most value for humankind by far:

Real-life Space Invaders.

At GeekCon 2016, ForReal Design Studio unveiled a version of the classic Atari games that turned eight drones outfitted with LED strips and sensors into incoming invaders from outer space. In order to eliminate them, players manned a gunner station which could move side-to-side across rails and blasted the advancing targets with laser beams.

To make the SpacedOut experience more authentic to the original, the laser station was wired for sound and also sent out vibrations during the gameplay.

The best part? No fistfuls of quarters or blowing into cartridges required.


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