Man goes to the woods to get closer to nature, sleeps in a colorful nylon tent.
Colorful nylon tent has more in common with Hulk Hogan’s underwear than Ma Nature’s conifers.
Here’s a better alternative: Scout’s single pole canvas tent.
It’s basically the Wes Anderson-approved shelter you’ve always pictured yourself in … unless you grew up in high-altitude base camps.
All-canvas and bleeding with austere Seattle charm, this baby can be raised either by its collapsible hickory pole or by hoisting the center up from an overhanging tree branch.
No head scratching involved.
Tack the stakes down around the edges and you’re set.
Also comes with a canvas ground cover and a matching bag to stow away the whole kit.
Perfect for cinching to a motorbike saddle or stashing in the trunk at the sudden whim of a backcountry detour.
Pair it up with Scout’s denim bedroll and you’re set.
Simple. Like nature.
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