We constantly scour the internet for the best deals and goods our money can buy. But finite space means many of our favorites get axed. Herein: our favorite bargains of the month, all reasonably priced and available now. This is 30 Under $30.
Outdoor Gear
- Mercator Black Cat Knife
German carbon-steel knife dating back to the mid-1800s | $26 - Vanon Gravity Hook
A multi-purpose outdoor tool with detachable gear tie | $17 - Leatherman Skeletool KBX Pocket Knife
Ultra-light blade from the EDC stalwarts | $25
- Lightweight Travel Mini Hip Pack
The father of the fanny pack in ripstop nylon | $29 - Miyare Trench Lighter
Heavy-duty windproof lighter based on WWI designs | $25 - Nite Ize Tactical Wallet
An RFID-blocking stainless steel number with 10 tools | $10
- Goodfellow & Co. Quilted Vest
Yes, this is from Target. Yes, it looks damn good. | $17 - JW Anderson x Uniqlo Striped Scarf
One of many great pieces from the collaboration | $2 - Cleaning Drop Set
Your sneakers need some attention. Use this. | $25
- Red Wing All Natural Boot Oil
Quality leather care via pine pitch and mink oil | $19 - Brass Key Ring
Ditch the carabiner for this sleek alternative | $20 - Adidas California Tee
A retro baseball tee that you’ll reach for often | $29
Home Goods & Grooming
- National Geographic World Map
Office-approved at a whopping 46″ x 30.5″ | $21 - Fog Linen Coaster Set
Machine-washable coasters that won’t scuff your table | $30 - Compagnie de Provence Shower Gel
Super lathery, eight scents to choose from | $20
- Oval Umbrella Stand
Upgrade your entryway. Holds up to four umbrellas. | $25 - Mayron’s Goods Hand Cream
A quick-drying salve for the dry-skin days ahead | $24 - P.F. Candle Co. Orange Cardamon
Fill your room with citrus, black tea and ginger | $25
Food & Drink
- Tom Collins Cocktail Mixer
Satisfyingly complex mixer made in Charleston, SC | $17 - Hario Cold Brew Maker
All-in-one cold brew vessel makes and holds 4-5 cups | $16 - Hot Ones The Last Dab
Order the Pepper X hot sauce you’ve heard about | $20
- 3-Ingredient Cocktails Book
Inspired by our three-ingredient primer? Try this. | $13 - Bourbon Barrel Worcestershire
Made in Kentucky, aged in local bourbon barrels | $9 - Boston Cocktail Shaker
Must-have home bar tool at an unbeatable price | $19
Gadgets & Pop Culture
- Field Notes Dime Novel
Two special-edition journals based on mid-1800s paperbacks | $30 - Anker Bluetooth SoundBuds
Sweatproof wireless earbuds with smart-magnet design | $20 - The Monocle Travel Guide: New York
Refined recommendations for your next visit | $12
- Space Invaders Retro Arcade Game
Handheld, but plays like the arcade version | $18 - Midori Traveler’s Notebook
This passport-sized leather journal can be refilled | $28 - Anker 5-Port USB Charger
Charge all your devices at once, ideal for travel | $23
Nota bene: If you buy through these links, InsideHook may earn a small share of the profits on some items. Prices and availability may change at the whim of the retailers.
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