Jimmy Kimmel tried to put an end to his feud with Sean Hannity, but Hannity just snapped back. Hannity waited until the final minutes of his show to address his still-ongoing fight with Kimmel, who over the weekend, released a statement on Twitter that aimed to end the tension.
re. @seanhannity pic.twitter.com/DMtWJTMsDU
— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) April 8, 2018
But instead of offering an apology for equating Kimmel with alleged serial rapist Harvey Weinstein, Hannity continued to criticize Kimmel even as he accepted Kimmel’s apology. Hannity agreed with Kimmel that they need to move on, but said that his outrage is about more than Jimmy Kimmel and instead is about the “corrupt media-industrial complex” that is “wholly an extension of the Democratic Party.” Hannity did not take any shred of responsibility for repeatedly labeling Kimmel “Harvey Weinstein Jr.” on Twitter over the past couple days. Hannity also invited Kimmel on to his show for a debate on the issues he cares about, like health care. But he ended his rant with a threat:
“Jimmy, if you do want to start up again, I promise I will punch back even harder,” Hannity said, according to Daily Beast. “And my producer spent all weekend compiling a lot of your highlights, or lowlights, in your career. They don’t make you look too good. Instead of airing them, we will put them in storage and we have more important pressing issues like what’s happening in Syria and gassing of women and children.”
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