Priyanka Chopra nabbed the leading female role in Universal’s Cowboy Ninja Viking. She will be playing opposite Chris Pratt, and will be the love interest in the film, which is directed by Michelle MacLaren (Game of Thones). The screenplay was written by Dan Mazeau, Ryan Engle, Craig Mazin, Paul Wernick and David Reese.
Wohhh….she is flying high, happy for #PriyankaChopra
— Pavan m k (@Pavanmk1) July 31, 2018
good for her
— alphagirl (@alfagirl30) July 31, 2018
Cowboy Ninja Viking is based on the Image Comics graphic novel by A.J. Lieberman and illustrator Riley Rossmo. The story focused on a counter-intelligence unit from by psychoteraphist Dr. Sebastian Ghislain. He transforms agents known as Triplets, and Pratt is an agent with the fighting skills and personalities of a cowboy, a ninja and a viking.
The film will be released June 28, 2019.
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