She’s Colorado-born, Manhattan-educated and changing athletic apparel across the globe. Outside Magazine recently caught up with Ty Haney to find out what it takes these days to build up an empire powerful enough to challenge Nike and Under Armour, which is exactly what she’s doing.
With 80 employees, $56.5 million in venture capital funding and six brick-and-mortar stores, Haney told Outside that she’s not trying to craft a fashion brand or an apparel company for people who live at the gym. Her Outdoor Voices is for “exercisers, not athletes,” and sells both men and women’s apparel.
“If Outdoor Voices is with you when you’re experiencing that runner’s high, that dopamine release, there’s a chemical bond there,” Haney told Outside. “That’s what I’m excited to build the business around.”
Though it was initially tough to get funding — Haney had to send the materials to investors’ wives ahead of meetings — “ that was really where the unlock came from.”
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