Sloe Ride

By The Editors
March 20, 2014 9:00 am EDT

Alcohol, like God, is in the details.

Take, for example, sloe gin: a berry-infused liquor made by steeping sloe berries — cousins to the humble plum — in gin, then adding sugar.

The result is a delicious digestif, the grace note of any well-eaten meal.

The best sloe gin around: that of Spirit Works Distillery in Sebastopol.

Now that spring has sprung, Spirit’s distillery tour should be your first stop on the road to your next weekend in Healdsburg.

Spirit also makes vodka and good ol’ regular gin too, and you can grab their bottles online or in person at Cask (among others).

Also in The Barlow, where Spirit hangs its distilling hat: a solar-powered brewery named Woodfour, and the snout-to-tail restaurant Zazu Kitchen and Farm.

So enjoy Sebastopol. One of NorCal’s lovely little details.



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