Jackpot! Best Made Co. Is Having Their Annual Warehouse Sale.

Gear up ... at a bargain

August 9, 2018 9:00 am EDT

CEOs everywhere will encourage you to get outside, leave your comfort zone and create quote lasting experiences.

But none will make sure you look handsome doing it.

Best Made Co. — New York’s authority on nostalgically styled outdoor gear — will.

While their designs oft times carry a hefty price tag, once a year, they throw us a bone in the form of their heavily discounted “Surplus Depot” pop-up.

Today through August 19th at the Genuine Motorworks space in Brooklyn, they’ve got a carefully curated mix of more than 100 items, including vintage and salvaged adventure supplies. And vitally, they’ll be updating the store each day with new and restocked items.

To whet your appetite, we took a sneak peek of what’s in store. Top seven selects below.

Engineer Stripe Chore Jacket: The fit worked for 20th-century American laborers. Chances are it’ll do you right, too.

Stetson Yukon Hat for Best Made: It’s the kind of wholesome hat — beaming with grit and fortitude — that commands honesty and lends itself to adventure.

The Footlocker: A neat way to keep things neat.

The Front Loading Toolbox: Equally handy and handsome.

Gfeller Document Case: For your papers. Your business papers.

Axes: They don’t allow axes on the subway. Even fine-looking ones like this unit. We looked it up. Call a cab.

Japanese Higo Knife: Hands down the best gift for the gent who has it all.

All images from Best Made Co. 


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