September in SF, in 21 Pictures

Tents, cocktails, girls, lakes, stars, sunsets and girls

September 29, 2016 9:00 am EDT

San Francisco is the most Instagrammable city on the planet. Hence: 21 ’Grams, our compendium of the month that was, as taken by you, oh intrepid documentarians of the City by the Bay.

In truth, we could fill this list 212,121 times over without a repeat. In the name of expediency, though, we’re limiting ourselves to the absolute 21 best shots. Warning: This will make you want to go to (a) the beach, (b) Big Sur, (c) Calistoga, (d) Oakland and (e) everywhere else below. 

A photo posted by Tatiana Taylor (@tatitaylor) on

If you haven’t been to a beach in the last seven days, you’re doing it wrong.

A photo posted by @alyssalynns_ on

Did you get your cruffin yet?

Go to Tartine. Order the #smorrebrod.

A photo posted by Rudi Dundas (@rudidundas) on

Only in this city is September rosé season. We say go with it.

It’s that time of year again.

Your Instas will be just as good when you shoot from Mount Tam. Guaranteed.

A photo posted by Filip Tuhy (@filiptuhyphoto) on

Don’t be this dude. Ever.

TGI Summer.

A photo posted by worthybar (@worthybar) on

There are basically four dozen different kinds of mezcal at the new Mezcalito.

With a view like this, why wouldn’t you check into Indian Springs?

A photo posted by t.w.five (@twfive) on

Just go, already. The T.W. Five show is great.

How will you be spending your Indian Summer?

The best pic from #giantrace.

A photo posted by Black Cat (@sfblackcat) on

Now on pour at Black Cat.

A photo posted by Chris Poplawski (@chrispoops) on

The fires aren’t making it easy — but the wildlife perseveres.

A photo posted by Eat Real Fest (@eatrealfest) on

Just one take at the Eat Real fest in Oakland.

A reasonable question, snapped in Hunters Point.

A photo posted by @nicolleta27 on



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