What happens after ‘Jon Snow’ disappears (again)? That’s the question confronting actor Kit Harington, who has become famous playing ‘Snow,’ once Game of Thrones finally wraps its final season in 2018.
When Esquire recently caught up with Harington, he had this rather ominous thing to say: “Maybe I can reinvent myself and get away from an image that’s so synonymous with Thrones….But maybe this was the role I was always meant to play and that was it.”
If that sounded altogether Jon Snow–esque in timbre, it makes sense: Harington has had to hold the show on his shoulders for its entire run; he’s the de facto main character. And author George R.R. Martin agrees, telling Esquire, “Snow is a challenging part….In the books, what’s going on with Jon is internal. I can tell you what he’s thinking, but you can’t do that on TV. The actor has to sell the depths and subtleties and conflicts of his character.”
So what are his post-show options? “I don’t really aim to get into that next big Oscar film….That’s not really my route,” Harington, who has acted in a number of not-so-well-reviewed movies besides GoT, tells Esquire. In fact, he might even enjoy a bit of anonymity after the chainmail hoopla dies down. “I’ll enjoy the madness quieting a bit….I’d like a few years of relative obscurity.”
Until then, rewatch Game of Thrones‘ Season 7 trailer below.
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