You Will Never Climb a 1,000-Foot Frozen Waterfall as Fast as This Brave Soul

Ropes? Swiss climber Dani Arnold doesn't need ropes.

What can you get done in an hour-long workout?

If you’re an undisciplined fitness hack like yours truly, you take it easy on the treadmill for 20 minutes, followed by 30 minutes of unfocused fiddling on more machines and then a cool five minutes of relaxed stretching and “cooling down” (read: scrolling). Then you quit five minutes early as a reward for a job well done.

Don’t ask how that’s working out for me.

For a solid shot of motivation and testament to human strength? That’s best left to the professionals. And it doesn’t get more advanced than speed-record-breaker extraordinaire and delightfully wily mountaineer Dani Arnold attempting — and succeeding — to climb an incredibly dangerous 1,000-foot frozen waterfall in the Alps in Kandersteg, Switzerland, all without a rope, in just under an hour.

Have a gander at the video. We’re huffin’ and puffin’ just thinking about it. 

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