You’ve probably been here before. Most men have, perhaps in a bachelor party-induced haze, at least once.
A restaurant where scantily clad women proffer you burgers and beer.
But this one’s different, thematically speaking. The waitresses here wear army-green crop tops and don ammo belts while serving you drinks like the Biological Warfare Shot.
It’s a place in Houston called Bombshells. And if you’re not familiar, you soon might be. Because according to the New York Post, the Texas restaurant chain has plans to expand to 100 locations across the country in the next five years.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the restaurant’s sales — which grew an incredible 10.5% alone in the fourth quarter — can be traced back to a single person: president-elect Donald Trump. On a recent earnings report call, Bombshells Chief Executive Eric Langan told analysts: “I think overall the election is turning out to be very, very, very positive for us so far.”
Very positive, indeed. Shares for Bombshells’ parent brand HCI Hospitality have shot up 40 percent since November 8th, to $15.95 (as of December 23rd), according to the Post. We’ll leave it up to you to asses why.
But with the appointment of Carl’s Jr. CEO Andy Puzder as secretary of labor — who Business Insider points out is no stranger to using sex to sell burgers — we’d say Bombshells is ready to conquer the country.
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