So the drone wars have begun.
Time to fight back … with, uh, more drones.
By certain estimates, drone technology will grow from a $2 billion industry to $120 billion by 2020. Meaning, the sky will be filled with machines, delivering you Amazon packages and tracking your every move.
To help combat the more egregious flying machines: The One Touch Interceptor TI, a drone actually designed to take down other drones.
“We use machine vision and deep learning to detect anomalies in the sky and classify rogue drones,” says the drone’s maker Airspace Systems. “Once engaged, our flight system anticipates and reacts to a drone’s every move, in real-time.”
But don’t get your hopes up about Star Wars-style sky battles just yet; the TI captures “rogue” drones with a net and lands them safely, without harm.
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