Cold in 60 Seconds: Behold, the Instant Iced Coffeemajigger

The HyperChiller’s design is simple but effective

By The Editors
February 9, 2016 9:00 am

There is a correct way to make iced coffee.

There is a correct way to buy iced coffee.

And now there’s a correct way to acquire iced coffee in less than a minute when you’ve completely forgotten to do either of those things: it’s called the HyperChiller.

Made of stainless steel and BPA-free plastic, the device can turn an eight-ounce cup of hot java into ready-to-serve iced coffee by cooling it down about 130 degrees in just 60 seconds. The design of the cooling chamber — which consists of a center container surrounded by separate compartments containing ice — allows the gadget to chill “all liquids, without any change in flavor or dilution.”

HyperChiller Iced Coffee Maker 1:42

Creator Nick Anusbigian developed HyperChiller after experimenting (in vain) with a cocktail shaker. “At that point I realized I just needed to increase the surface area and came up with this design with the dual layers of ice,” he says.

At just $30, it will cost about as much as you probably spend on iced coffee in one week in July.

Never misspells your name, either.


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