The week of August 7–13, 2016, may forever be known as the Week of the Suction Cup.
The little suckers entered the news cycle due to those weird “cupping” marks on Michael Phelps (typically this therapy is done with glasses). They then proved their sticking power by remaining a hot topic of after a man used them to scale the Trump Tower in New York.
The climber, identified as 19-year-old Stephen Rogata of Virginia, made it to the 21st floor of the tower before NYPD officers were able to snag him from the side of the Manhattan skyscraper.
Unfortunately for Rogata, he didn’t get the “private audience” he was seeking with the GOP candidate and instead ended up with charges of reckless endangerment and criminal trespass instead.
While he was still “movin’ on up,” a video surfacted on YouTube that may provide some clues as to his intentions.
The incident was rough on Rogata, but it was a hit with suction cup investors, climbing route planners (“Once on the wall continue up at a slow and steady pace”) — and the Twitterverse.
(Trump staff room)
“Malia Obama smoked pot”
“That’s going to dominate the news”
*puts finger on intercom*
“Send out the suction cup guy”— Timmy™ (@TheTimmyToes) August 10, 2016
Prediction: Trump appoints suction cup guy to the Department of the Exterior.
(And no I don’t feel good about that pun).
— gina grad (@GinaGrad) August 10, 2016
Trump’s suction cup runneth is over.
— GottaLaff (@GottaLaff) August 10, 2016
People are saying the Trump Tower climber is Sean Hannity after Trump said he couldn’t come on tonight. People are saying. On the shows.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) August 10, 2016
Turns out the Trump Tower Suction cup climber is Michael Phelps cupping therapy guy…..small world.
— Jay Paterno (@JayPaterno) August 11, 2016
I like my pre workout on *suction cup the trump tower* level
— Lindsey Pelas (@LindseyPelas) August 11, 2016
I finally remember where I had seen that Trump Tower Suction Cup Guy before. #climber#letsteveclimb #suctioncups
— Conald J Trump (@realConaldTrump) August 10, 2016
I hope climbing Trump Tower helps this suction cup kid finally lose his virginity.
— Evan Leslie Jones (@Frodeziac) August 10, 2016
Shouts out to the Trump Tower suction cup guy for being the second craziest person to ascend that building.
— Funny Or Die (@funnyordie) August 10, 2016
Thanks to the Trump Building climber & Olympic swimmers, my suction cup stock is through the roof this week.
— Mike Siegel (@funnyMike) August 11, 2016
So whatever happened to the Trump Tower suction cup climber?
— Jake (@jbluft) August 11, 2016
Trump tower climber one of America’s few humans who can actually draw attention away from Donald Trump.
— Matt Pearce (@mattdpearce) August 10, 2016
The 30 for 30 on the Trump Tower climber is going to be great, I’m sure.
— Sopan Deb (@SopanDeb) August 10, 2016
A big shout out to the Trump Tower Suction Cup Guy… Thank you for showing us how useless a wall would be….
— Leonidas Marinos (@LeonidasMarinos) August 11, 2016
Main image courtesy of Bryan R. Smith/AFP/Getty Images
Whatever you think of his stunt, Rogata is a hell of a social climber.
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