The view from the top can be pretty wild and sometimes grim.
But also worth a look if you can get it.
And now, it’s easier than ever to get a clear view from above, as seen by Dronestagram’s Top 20 Drone Pictures of 2017, which seem to focus more on close-ups and the environment … and a bit less emphasis on scenery.
Credit better drone and camera tech.
“Drone technology is constantly improving as prices fall, and especially so that the machines become more accessible due to their size and ease of use,” notes Dronestagram author “Edupin.” “The year 2017 will have been marked by the arrival of the DJI Spark, the latest addition to China’s DJI giant, a fabulous flying camera whose transport and commissioning take up no more space or time than a good old-fashioned SLR, and which, thanks to its excellent equipment and agility, produces still and video images of a totally amazing quality.”
The photos were selected by users of Dronestagram, a drone imaging community that provides each shot with drone and camera type, tags and stats (altitude, geolocation, shutter speed, etc.).
The entire list is available here.
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