Adult film actor Ron Jeremy, who pleaded not guilty in June to charges stemming from the alleged sexual assault of four women, was hit with 20 new sexual assault charges Monday. The former porn star now faces a total of 28 counts of sexual assault in L.A. County, according to the Los Angeles Times.
The latest round of charges span a 16-year period and include five counts of forcible rape and lewd conduct with a 15-year-old girl, stemming from a June 2004 party in Santa Clarita where Jeremy allegedly assaulted the teen, NBC Los Angeles reported.
Back in June, Jeremy was accused of sexually assaulting four separate women in a series of incidents in West Hollywood dating back to 2014. That month, he was ordered to remain jailed in lieu of $6.6 million bail.
Three days after the initial charge, prosecutors reportedly received an additional 25 allegations of misconduct involving Jeremy. In July, a law enforcement official told the L.A. Times that the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department had received 30 new allegations against Jeremy stemming from incidents dating back to 2000.
Prior to the new charges, Jeremy was already facing a potential maximum sentence of 90 years to life in state prison, according to the District Attorney’s Office.
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