Saturday’s women’s march was historic for the sheer number of protestors that took to the streets to peacefully demonstrate their resistance to an adminstration that may limit their bodily autonomy. Millions of women and men from dozens of cities around the globe stood together to send a message. The effect on the news, in the streets and on social media was powerful, regardless of your politics.
Naturally, not everyone was impressed. Among them: Britain’s premier Twitter troll, Piers Morgan, who took to the platform propose a little movement of his own.
Comedian Patton Oswalt wasted no time in responding to Morgan in kind.
The exchange speaks for itself. Highlights below.
I’m planning a ‘Men’s March’ to protest at the creeping global emasculation of my gender by rabid feminists. Who’s with me?
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) January 21, 2017
Hey @piersmorgan, I’m at the #MensMarch. Am I at the right Arby’s? No one’s here. I’m in a “Bro-varies Not Ovaries” half-tee.
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) January 21, 2017
The Park City #MensMarch is underway! There’s only 8 of us but we’re yelling Warrant lyrics outside of a Sephora. Thanks @piersmorgan!
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) January 21, 2017
The #MensMarch is still going strong. We lost Gator and Hank — gout flare-ups. Stewie says we’re trending on Gab.
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) January 21, 2017
The comedian’s followers soon joined in:
. @pattonoswalt @piersmorgan my husband can’t make it to the #MensMarch because he’s in the kitchen making me a sandwich. #sorrynotsorry
— AJKoewler (@a_koewler) January 21, 2017
@pattonoswalt Can’t make it to a #MensMarch so I’m gonna explain to this Arbys cashier the cultural importance of Tim Allen.
— Patrick Hall (@BigGorramHero) January 21, 2017
@danCLYNE @pattonoswalt @piersmorgan I just farted in this Ann Taylor #MensMarch
— Spooky Ghost Baby (@Crooooow) January 21, 2017
Even Canada had a-boots on the ground:
@pattonoswalt @piersmorgan The Canadian #MensMarch stopped to hold the doors open for the #WomensMarch
Are we doing this right? Sorry…— Shiptron 3000 (@Shiptron3000) January 21, 2017
Predictably, the jokes were lost on Piers Morgan:
People actually thought I was genuinely planning a Men’s anti-emasculation March.
This is how dumb social media has become.— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) January 21, 2017
But Oswalt had a retort for that too:
Shut up you dumb British bullfart. No one thought you were gonna do shit about fuck. We just like making fun of you. Pip pip.
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) January 21, 2017
Photo: Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Writers Guild of America, West
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