A new study from LinkedIn Learning shows that the more money you make, the more stressed out you will be at work. Out of 1,000 participants, 68 percent who had a net income greater than $200,000 said they experience stress on the job. In comparison, about half of those who make between $75,000 and $200,000 reported feeling stressed at work. Then those who earn between $51,000 and $75,000 are the least pressured at work, with 38 percent of them responding that they are stressed. However, the stress level rises again, back to 47 percent, among professionals who are in the lowest earning category of $35,000 to $50,000. Job satisfaction was also highest in the $51,000 to $75,000 category at 81 percent, compared to 74 percent in the $250,000-plus category and 69 percent at the bottom.
Age was also a factor. People aged 37 to 52 were more stressed than other generations, with 57 percent reporting stress at their jobs. Meanwhile, 52 percent of Baby Boomers (53 and up), reported stress on the job, followed by Millennials at 44 percent. But even with their lower stress levels, Millennials reported the lowest job satisfaction, 72 percent, compared to Gen Xers (76 percent) and Boomers (78 percent).
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