Today‘s Megyn Kelly responded to Jane Fonda’s recent issues with Kelly’s questions about plastic surgery when Fonda appeared on Megyn Kelly Today. During the interview, Kelly brings up the fact that Fonda has publicly admitted to getting work done. Kelly says, “But you look amazing, I read that you said you’re not proud to have admit you’ve had work done, why not?” In the clip, Fonda responds, “You really want to talk about that now?” Fonda complained publicly about the line of questioning after the interview, and recently brought it up again. Kelly said that she kept quiet for a while but has decided to address it, saying that Fonda was on the show to promote a movie about aging and for years Fonda has spoke openly about the “joy of giving a cultural face to older women.” But, Kelly points out, most women look nothing like Fonda, who is 80-years-old. “If Fonda really wants to have a discussion about older women’s cultural face, then her plastic surgery is hard to ignore.” Kelly said she wanted to give Fonda the chance to empower other women, “young and old.” Kelly went on to say that she does not think Fonda should be telling anyone what is and is not appropriate, based on her previous treatment of U.S. troops during the Vietnam War, such as her radio broadcast where she attempted to shame U.S. troops.
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