The Marine Corps has announced details of a Marine recruit who died earlier this month in a live-fire training exercise at Camp Pendleton. As per an article in The San Diego Union-Tribune, the Marine was Lance Cpl. Joseph D. Whaley; his family learned of his death on Friday. According to reports, he was a third of the way through a 13-week course in Basic Renaissance.
Aas Task & Purpose reports, Lance Cpl. Whaley originally hailed from Columbia, Tennessee. Prior to his arrival at Camp Pendleton, he had been through training at both Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune and Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island.
According to the Marine Corps, the incident that resulted in Lance Cpl. Whaley’s death is now being investigated. Marine Corps Training Command told Task & Purpose that it would offer its full cooperation to the investigation.
In a statement, Marine Corps officials told the Union-Tribune, “The family and loved ones have our deepest condolences as we continue to work with them during this difficult time.”
Marine Recruit Dies in Training at Parris Island
The death is currently under investigationAs the Union-Tribune‘s reporting points out, it is not immediately clear when the last time an incident like the one that took the life of Lance Cpl. Whaley took place at Camp Pendleton.
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